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‘LID+’ was a year-long programme of free services and events that were designed to promote, inform, provide access and support potential involvement in the Erasmus+ Programme. 


One of only seven EC-funded projects in the UK in 2017 it was tasked with promoting the Erasmus+ programme in the post-Brexit era offering a free bespoke service that aimed to increase participation in EU Mobility activities.


The project was specifically set up to target (i) those interested in Volunteering Abroad (ii) taking part in Youth Exchanges and/or (iii) developing other Key Action1 Mobility Projects including planning meetings, training programmes and seminars.


‘LID+’ was The Inside Out Programme's ‘Promoting Erasmus+ in the UK’ programme and activity included:


  • Public Information Sessions – Want to know what funding is available?  We will provide you with up-to-date information on opportunities afforded by the EU’s Erasmus+ Programme


  • ‘Listening Service’ – Have an idea but don’t know how to take it forward? We’ll meet with you and help you ‘tease-out’ your idea and offer advice on next steps


  • Feedback service – Already have a clear idea of what you want to do but not sure of the likelihood of success? We’ll provide you with written feedback on your ‘Initial Proposal’


  • Mentoring Service – Ready to put the effort in but need additional support? We’ll meet with you with you potentially up to four occasions to help get you ‘submission-ready’


  • ‘One-to-One’s’ – Ready to submit but want that essential ‘last minute’ feedback before you do?  We’ll provide a one-off impartial critique of your application in person


  • Development Workshops – Love to organise an international experience for your young people but not sure where to start? Let us take the stress out of if by meeting with your young people and feeding back to you.


  • International Learning Opportunities – Always wanted to meet with your European peers to discuss ideas, compare practice and network?  Declare an interest to us and we’ll take care of the rest.


  • Information Bulletin – Want to stay informed of developments at an international level?  Subscribe to our bulletin.


  • Contact Making Seminar – Never had the opportunity or perhaps you have had but would like once again an opportunity to meet with international practitioners without having to leave these shores for more than a few days?  Join our 2-day seminars in Derry-Londonderry.


  • Live International Network – Planning an international programme but lacking contacts and/or need new fresh contacts?  We’ll provide you with a range of partners open to project proposals.


  • ‘Market Place’ – Been involved in international work over the last 30 years but never had the opportunity to celebrate it among your peers?  Come join us for a showcase event at the end of the year


The programme proved very successful and a full report can be downloaded here but outcomes are summarised as follows:


  • 16 applications were submitted for KA1 projects for the October 2017 deadline and further proposals are in the pipeline for the February 2018 deadline;

  • A team of 9 UK based Ambassadors were recruited to deliver the exclusive range of services to be delivered through the LID+ programme;

  • 92 formal information and support activities were delivered, this number is not inclusive of the further one-to-one follow-up activity and support provided;

  • 21 editions of ‘Lifting the LID’ Bulletin were circulated, initially to a reading audience of 1,040 now resting at 1,520, with a peak opening rate of 22.4%;

  • the success of the first Contact Making Seminar involving 10 international and 10 local partners, many of the latter new to Erasmus+, led to the demand for a second  event which is  fully subscribed with 11 local and 11 international partners, 7 of the latter new to LID+; in total 21 local organisations were introduced to the Erasmus+ process for the first time

  • the development of partnerships between LID+ and  a range of organisations will ensure that  support will exist to help sustain engagement post- programme.

  • LID+ not only established but grew it’s International Network from 13 to 17 partner organisations

  • International Learning Opportunities for 10 individuals - 6 young people, 2 young leaders and 2 adult practitioners attended programmes in Slovenia, Netherlands and Austria

  • an evaluation meeting among twenty-one Erasmus+ users including young people, young leaders, youth workers and adult practitioners representing all incarnations of Erasmus+, i.e., Youth for Europe, YOUTH, Youth in Action and the current programme

  • hosting the only public and large-scale Youth Work event in Northern Ireland celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Erasmus+


Want to stay informed of developments at an international level? Subscribe to our 'LID+' bulletin by clicking here.

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